
The Portal

Trinity's Terror
Trinity’s terror is a horrifying tale of a beautiful young emo chick who moves into an old apartment far from home and everything she knew, to attend nursing school and work on her horror novel in her spare time with hopes of becoming a famous author someday.

The Tattoo Collector
The edgy horror author travels transcendent worlds to birth the wildest of stories, bludgeoning them on paper… His latest novel ‘The Tattoo Collector’ is a one-of-a-kind gory serial killer thriller to get your heart racing
Vinny Cafaro and his wife Talia appear to be living the American dream. Young, wealthy and blessed with incredible looks, they were both famous models with a mansion on the beach and fancy cars, but things aren’t always as they seem.
Vinny, the alpha male, had a bit of a temper and could be abusive at times. Behind closed doors, things aren’t always so glamorous and when karma finally comes for Vinny in the cruelest way, ending his career, ruining his marriage and essentially destroying his world, there are no depths of depravity the angry model won’t explore, including slicing the ink from other people to cover his disfigured body.
But not even wearing the flesh of others could satisfy his need for revenge against the world, and soon Vinny will become what nightmares are made of… Read the journey of this heart-throb turned serial killer in this vicious serial killer novel.

Renee Falls
One day, a gorgeous hippie girl moves in next door. And she is the mirror image of the girl he had been dreaming about. She also seemed rebellious, unattached to the strict restraints of Catholicism. Learning she was named after his hometown, Simon was convinced it was fate that brought them together.
It isn’t long before he becomes obsessed with Renee, stalking her to the point he can’t even control his sexual urges, causing him to kill her in cold blood. Still aroused by her pretty corpse, Simon begins sleeping with the dead body, all while preserving her in the family deep freeze, as if it was some sort of a fancy ice coffin. Promising vengeance from beyond the grave with her dying breath, Simon soon finds himself being violently haunted by the ghost of his precious victim.


The Devil’s Daughters

About the Author
Frank Roselli discovered that he was a writer when he was just 8 years old. His teachers would always read his stories in front of the class. Frank enjoyed writing because it allowed him to be someone else and experience adventure strictly and vividly in his mind.
One day Frank would love to have his stories on the big screen. That would be his ultimate achievement, the dream of all dreams. There’s nothing like watching a scary movie on a stormy night – it’s one of his favorite things to do. Aside from writing novels and short stories, Frank also loves writing poetry and has some of them coming out in the future.